National Associations
Vereinigung Österreichischer Investmentgesellschaften
Austrian Association of Investment Fund Management Companies
Address: Leopold-Moses-Gasse 4/1/3/Top 1B, 1020 WIEN
Tel: +43-1-718.83.33
Fax: +43-1-718.83.338
President: Mag. Heinz BEDNAR
Secretary General: Mag. Dietmar RUPAR
Association Belge des Asset Managers
Belgische Vereniging van Asset Managers
Belgian Asset Managers Association
Address: c/o Febelfin, Koning Albert II-laan 19, 1210 BRUSSEL
Tel: +32-2-507.68.72
President: Koen VAN de MAELE
Vice-President: Gregory SWOLFS
Director General: Marc VAN de GUCHT
Bulgarian association of asset management companies
Address: 1301 Sofia, 36 Alabin Str., 3rd floor
Tel: +359 895 799 585, +359 877 502 018
Fax: +359 2 930 10 31
Chairwoman of the Management Board: Dr. Natalia PETROVA
Secretary General: Evgeny JICHEV
Udruženje društava za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima
Association of Investment Fund Management Companies
Address: Croatian Chamber of Economy, Banking and Finance Department, Roosveltov trg 2, 10000 ZAGREB
Tel: +385 1 4561 564
Fax: +385 1 4561 535
Vice-Chairman: Marko MAKEK
Secretary: Vanja DOMINOVIC
Cyprus Investment Funds Association
Address: Severis Building, 9 Makarios III Ave.
4th Floor, NICOSIA, 1065, Cyprus
Tel.: +357 22 441133
Fax: +357 22 441134
President of the Board: Angelos GREGORIADES
Asociace pro kapitálový trh České republiky
Czech Capital Market Association
Address: Štepánská , 16/612, CZ - 110 00 PRAHA 1
Tel: +420-2-
Fax: +420-2-
Chairman: Jaromír SLADKOVSKÝ
Executive Director: Jana BRODANI (MICHALÍKOVÁ)
Danish Investment Association (DIA)
Address: Finans Danmark, Amaliegade 7, DK - 1256 COPENHAGEN K
Tel: +45-33-70 10 00
acting Chief Executive: Kåre VALGREEN
Finance Finland (FFI)
Visitors address: Itämerenkatu 11–13 , FI-00180 HELSINKI
Tel: +358-20-7934200
President: Henrika VIKMAN
International Representative: Jari VIRTA
Association Française de la Gestion Financière
French Asset Management Association
Address: 41, rue de la Bienfaisance, F - 75008 PARIS
Tel: +33-1-
Chairman: Philippe SETBON
Chief Executive: Laure DELAHOUSSE
Brussels office: Louis-Marie DURAND
Address: Avenue des Arts, 44, B-1000 BRUXELLES
Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e.V.
German Investment funds Association
BVI Frankfurt
Address: Bockenheimer Anlage 15, 60322 Frankfurt am Main
T. +49 69 15 40 90 0
BVI Berlin
Address: Unter den Linden 42, 10117 Berlin
T. + 49 30 206587 71
BVI Brussels
Address: Rue Belliard 15-17, 1040 Bruxelles
T. +32 2 213 82 41
President: Dirk DEGENHARDT
Chief Executive Officer: Thomas RICHTER
Managing Director: Rudolf SIEBEL
Hellenic Fund and Asset Management Association
Address: 9 Valaoritou Street, GR-ATHENS 10671
Tel: +30-210-3600265
Chairman: Chris AESOPOS
General Manager: Marina VASSILICOS
Befektetési Alapkezelok és Vagyonkezelok Magyarországi Szövetsége
Association of Hungarian Investment Fund and Asset Management Companies
Mail address: H - 1363 BUDAPEST, PF. 110
Visitors address: H-1053 BUDAPEST, Magyar u. 20. II/3
Tel: +36-1-354.17.36
Fax: +36-1-354.17.37
President: Sandor VIZKELETI
Secretary General: András TEMMEL
Irish Funds
Chief Executive Office: Ashford House, 18-22 Tara Street, DUBLIN 2 D02VX67
Tel: +353-1-670.10.77
Fax: +353-1-670.10.92
Chairperson: Maria GING
Chief Executive: Pat LARDNER
Associazione Italiana del Risparmio Gestito
Italian Association of Investment Management
Rome office: Via in Lucina, 17 I - 00186 ROMA
Tel: +39-06-68.40.591
Fax: +39-06-68.93.262
Milan Office: Via Andegari, 18 I - 20121 MILANO
Tel: +39-02-36.16.511
Fax: +39-02-36.16.5163
President: Carlo TRABATTONI
Director General: Fabio GALLI
Liechtensteinischer Anlagefondsverband
Liechtenstein Investment Fund Association
Address: Meierhofstrasse 2, FL-9490 VADUZ
Tel: +423-230 07 70
Fax: +423-230 07 69
President: Alexander BOSS
Director General: David GAMPER
Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry
Association Luxembourgeoise des Fonds d'Investissement
Mail address: BP 206, L - 2012 LUXEMBOURG
Visitors address: 12, rue Erasme, L-1468 LUXEMBOURG
Tel: +352 22 30 26 1
Chairman: Jean-Marc GOY
Director General: Serge WEYLAND
Malta Asset Servicing Association
Address: c/o Premium Banking Centre, 475, Triq il-Kbira San Guzepp, Santa Venera, SVR 1011
Chairperson: Anabel MIFSUD
Dutch Fund and Asset Management Association
Address: Paulus Potterstraat 32 H (2nd floor) 1071 DB Amsterdam
Tel: +31-20-240.22.15
Chair: Ronald WUIJSTER
Vice Chair: Erik van HOUWELINGEN
Director General: Jeroen van WIJNGAARDEN
Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association (NFAMA)
Address: Hansteensgate 2, N-0253 OSLO
Tel: +47-
Fax: +47-
Chairman: Bjorn SLATTO
Chief Executive Officer: Bernt S. ZAKARIASSEN
Chamber of Fund and Asset Managers
Address: Książęca str. 4, 00-498 Warsaw
Tel: +48 22 537 76 30
President: Małgorzata RUSEWICZ
Associacão Portuguesa de Fundos de Investimento, Pensões e Patrimónios
Portuguese Association of Investment Funds, Pension Funds and Asset Management
Address: Rua Castilho, N° 44 - 2°, PT - 1250-071 LISBOA
Tel: +351-21-799.48.40
Fax: +351-21-799.48.42/43
President: João PRATAS
Secretary General: Marta MALDONADO PASSANHA
Romanian Association of Asset Managers
Address: 12 Nerva Traian Street, M37 Building, Ground Floor, RO 031042 Bucharest
Tel: +40-21-312.97.43
Fax: +40-21-313.97.44
Chairman: Horia GUSTA
Vice-Chairman: Christian PASCU
Managing Director: Jan PRICOP
Slovenská asociácia správcovských spolocností
Slovak Association of Fund Management Companies
Address: Drienova 3, SK-821 01 BRATISLAVA
Tel: +420-2-
Fax: +420-2-
Chairman: Marek PROKOPEC
Executive Director: Roman VLCEK
Slovenian Investment Fund Association
Address: Cufarjeva 5, SI-1000 LJUBLJANA
Tel: +386-1-430.49.18
Fax: +386-1-430.49.19
Chairman: Benjamin JOŠAR
Managing Director: Mirjana KOPORČIĆ VELJIĆ
Asociación de Instituciones de Inversión Colectiva y Fondos de Pensiones
Spanish Association of Investment and Pension Funds
Address: Prìncipe de Vergara, 43, 2a pl. E - 28001 MADRID
Tel: +34-91-431.47.35
Fax: +34-91-578.14.69
President: Ángel MARTÍNEZ-ALDAMA
Director General: Elisa RICÓN
Swedish Investment Fund Association
Address: David Bagares Gata 3, S-111 38, STOCKHOLM
Tel: +46-8-506.988.00
Fax: +46-8-662.53.39
Chairperson: Liza JONSON
Chief Executive Officer: Fredrik NORDSTRÖM
Asset Management Association Switzerland
Address: Dufourstrasse, 49 Postfach CH - 4002 BASEL
Tel: +41-61-278.98.00
Fax: +41-61-278.98.08
President: Iwan DEPLAZES
Türkiye Kurumsal Yatirimci Yöneticileri DerneÄŸi
Turkish Institutional Investment Managers' Association
Address: Is Kuleleri Kule 2, Kat:8, 4.Levent, TR-ISTANBUL 34330
Tel: +90-212-279.03.99
Fax: +90-212-325.16.45
President: Yağız ORAL
General Coordinator: Cüneyt DEMIRKAYA, Ph.D.
The Investment Association
Address: Camomile Court, 23 Camomile Street, GB - LONDON EC3A 7LL
Tel: +44-20-783.10.898
Chairman: Patrick THOMSON
Chief Executive: Chris CUMMINGS