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EFAMA members enjoy significant benefits including the opportunity to shape the industry positions, get first-hand access to regulatory and political intelligence, engage with industry peers and policymakers, and take part in EFAMA events.


Membership categories

Our three membership categories cater to the wide range of organisations that make up and support the investment management industry in Europe.

  • National Association membership
  • Corporate membership
  • Associate membership


Six reasons to join EFAMA

1. Shape industry positions

An EFAMA membership allows you to actively participate in our committees and taskforces. You and your colleagues can help shape the positions of the European investment management industry on all relevant regulatory initiatives.


2. Prepare for implementation of new regulations

As member of our committees, you’ll benefit from the substantial expertise of all other members, and have the opportunity to discuss issues related to the implementation and interpretation of new regulations coming into force.


3. Access the latest regulatory and political intelligence

The Brussels-based EFAMA team has unrivalled access to the latest intelligence you need to best identify what is coming down the European legislative track. Members can better prepare for the regulatory changes ahead, turning them into business opportunities. You’ll receive all of our members communications, and have direct access to our helpful staff.


4. Build a solid European network

As an active member of our committees and taskforces, you’ll have the opportunity to further develop your network, by engaging with industry peers and policymakers across Europe.


5. Access extensive market data and research

EFAMA is a well-regarded and trusted source of data on the European investment management industry. Members gain privileged access to a dedicated market data section on the EFAMA Members Extranet. On top, you’ll receive the latest monthly statistics directly to your inbox.


6. Showcase your expertise

Co-organising webinars and other events with EFAMA will help you promote your expertise and raise your visibility within the industry and beyond. You’ll also benefit from attractive member rates, both for event sponsorship and publication advertising opportunities.  




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