Our mission & role
We are a non-profit organisation whose purpose is to:
- foster optimal conditions for the European fund and asset management industry in its efforts to create value for investors
- influence and support the ongoing development of the regulatory environment including the European Single Market
- advocate for the interests of its Members among stakeholders
- build confidence and trust in the industry
- promote scientific research concerning the industry
To that effect, we carry out activities such as:
- supporting the development of, and adherence to, high professional standards which recognise the interests of investors
- providing an effective voice for the industry by developing and maintaining a strong reputation and relationships with key stakeholders
- promoting the professional interests of members and providing services to enable members to contribute to, and benefit from, the Association’s work
- furthering the realisation of an effective European Single Market through engagement with the relevant EU institutions and national authorities
- representing the industry in European and international policy and regulatory discussions
- conducting research and data collection concerning the industry and acting as a trusted source of data
- disseminating information and issuing publications
- organising conferences, seminars, workshops, etc. at European level
As the voice of the European investment management industry, we engage with global, EU and national policymakers and regulators who regularly call upon our expertise.

Tanguy van de Werve
EFAMA Director General