Other research reports Our topical research publications on a wide variety of subjects relevant to the investment management industry and prepared by our research team. FTT Impact Analysis Financial scale of FTT charge will lead to a shift of business away from funds in Europe Î The Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) would put many money market funds out of business (who would pay 67% of… Fund Fees in Europe: TER Report A report commissioned by the European Fund and Asset Management Association published on 4 October 2011 aims to give investors greater transparency and understanding of cost breakdown within the Total… Household Participation in Capital Markets This publication precedes the European Commission's forthcoming new Action Plan on the Capital Markets Union (CMU). It includes ten concrete policy recommendations to help advance the CMU, including… Ownership of Investment Funds in Europe The report provides a wealth of facts and figures on the evolution of holdings of financial assets and investment funds among European investors in recent years. It aims to answer three main questions… Closet Index Funds EFAMA has reviewed ESMA’s statement “Supervisory work on potential index tracking”, which sets out research to determine whether any indication of closet indexing could be found at EU level. To… EFAMA Survey: What can the industry do to encourage long-term savings The poll aimed to understand the industry’s perspective on why there has been a fall in household savings in financial assets and what it believes are the solutions to address these concerns and… Solvency II: Data Impacts on Asset Management The report highlights the need for the asset management industry to proactively work with European insurance companies to respond to the strategic changes caused by the Solvency II Directive. FTT Impact Analysis Financial scale of FTT charge will lead to a shift of business away from funds in Europe Î The Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) would put many money market funds out of business (who would pay 67% of… Fund Fees in Europe: TER Report A report commissioned by the European Fund and Asset Management Association published on 4 October 2011 aims to give investors greater transparency and understanding of cost breakdown within the Total… Household Participation in Capital Markets This publication precedes the European Commission's forthcoming new Action Plan on the Capital Markets Union (CMU). It includes ten concrete policy recommendations to help advance the CMU, including… Ownership of Investment Funds in Europe The report provides a wealth of facts and figures on the evolution of holdings of financial assets and investment funds among European investors in recent years. It aims to answer three main questions… Closet Index Funds EFAMA has reviewed ESMA’s statement “Supervisory work on potential index tracking”, which sets out research to determine whether any indication of closet indexing could be found at EU level. To… EFAMA Survey: What can the industry do to encourage long-term savings The poll aimed to understand the industry’s perspective on why there has been a fall in household savings in financial assets and what it believes are the solutions to address these concerns and… Solvency II: Data Impacts on Asset Management The report highlights the need for the asset management industry to proactively work with European insurance companies to respond to the strategic changes caused by the Solvency II Directive. FTT Impact Analysis Financial scale of FTT charge will lead to a shift of business away from funds in Europe Î The Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) would put many money market funds out of business (who would pay 67% of… Fund Fees in Europe: TER Report A report commissioned by the European Fund and Asset Management Association published on 4 October 2011 aims to give investors greater transparency and understanding of cost breakdown within the Total… Contact Bernard Delbecque Senior Director, Economics & Research