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Advice-based distribution channels dominate European fund landscape

Distribution & Client Disclosures
25 April 2024 | Press Release
Distribution & Client Disclosures
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Latest EFAMA research shows banks hold a 57% market share in EU fund distribution

Today, the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) published the latest edition of its Market Insights series, titled “Investment fund distribution channels in Europe”. 

This report provides an analysis of how investment funds are distributed to retail investors across 19 European countries, covering assets totalling EUR 4.4 trillion. Fund managers who participated in the survey also shared their perspectives on the expected changes in the fund distribution landscape over the next five years.

Key findings:

  • Fund distribution by financial intermediaries providing advice to clients – encompassing banks, financial advisers, insurers, portfolio managers, and full-service brokers – stands out as the most important distribution channel accounting for 80% of fund assets owned by European retail investors.  

  • Banks hold a significant position in the distribution system, with a market share of 45% in Europe and 57% in the European Union. This variation is attributed to the higher market share of portfolio managers, full-service brokers, and financial advisers in the UK, which stand at 70% compared to 27% in the EU. Bank market share ranges from 91% in Romania to 9% in the UK. 

  • Financial advisers rank second in both Europe and the European Union, with a market share of 14% and 18%, respectively. Their presence is particularly strong in Italy and the UK, with market shares of 36% and 33%, respectively.  

  • Insurers follow suit with a market share of 7% in Europe and 9% in the European Union. In Norway, France and Slovenia, insurers play a more substantial role in fund distribution, with market shares of 19%, 18% and 17%, respectively.  

  • Open architecture fund platforms, offering access to a diverse array of funds from various fund managers, have a modest market share in Europe and the European Union (10% and 8%, respectively), but they exhibit greater presence in Norway and Sweden, with market shares of 24% and 19%.    

  • Investment funds can be bought by retail investors for retirement savings. Although the pension saving channel represents a modest 7% market share in Europe, its prominence is notable in Denmark (46%), Sweden (43%) and France (22%).
  • Looking ahead, survey participants anticipate an increase in the market share of open architecture fund platforms and financial advisers over the next five years. Financial technology is expected to be the primary driver of the evolution of the fund distribution landscape. 


Bernard Delbecque, Senior Director at EFAMA commented“The report underscores the pivotal role of fund distribution channels capable of offering guidance, support, and advisory services to retail investors. Ensuring accessibility to these channels without imposing upfront fees is crucial for fostering increased household participation in capital markets. Furthermore, the anticipated rise in competition between digital and traditional fund distribution channels is good news, as it will incentivize advice-based distribution channels to evolve, further enhancing user experience and delivering added value.”


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Notes to Editors

EFAMA’s member associations based in Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, participated in the survey.


For further information, please contact:


Hayley McEwen

Head of communications and member development


About the Market Insights

EFAMA’s Market Insights series analyses recent industry trends and developments based on the latest available data and presents our findings in the context of current policy perspectives. We publish numerous concise reports each year covering diverse topics such as ETFs, AIFs, SFDR, the impact of inflation on retail investors, sustainable bond funds, UCITS costs and performance, ESG fund markets, and money market funds.


More info on Market Insights can be found on our website here.


The report underscores the pivotal role of fund distribution channels capable of offering guidance, support, and advisory services to retail investors. Ensuring accessibility to these channels without imposing upfront fees is crucial for fostering increased household participation in capital markets. Furthermore, the anticipated rise in competition between digital and traditional fund distribution channels is good news, as it will incentivize advice-based distribution channels to evolve, further enhancing user experience and delivering added value. 
(Bernard Delbecque, Senior Director)

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