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20 November 2017 | Press release


Brussels, 20 November 2017

Asset Managers Support COP23

Two years after the landmark adoption of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) reasserts our industrys commitment to the global effort against climate change. We fully support the goal of the Conference of Parties (COP 23) and the Paris One Planet Summit as important next steps in helping keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius.
Investors increasingly feel a responsibility to take part in addressing climate change and ESG challenges overall by being more selective in their investments. The asset management industry remains committed to helping investors achieve their green investment goals by offering investment solutions for investors who want to address climate change.
As fiduciaries for their clients (retail or institutional investors), asset managers invest in the best long-term interest of their investors. In listening to their clients and providing them with investment solutions to achieve their objectives, the European asset management industry contributes to efforts limiting climate change and is committed to scaling up climate investment activities and allocating the necessary capital flows towards a lower carbon intensive world, in accordance with investor demand.

EFAMA hopes COP23 will help turn the commitments of the Paris agreement into measurable actions and practical outcomes. The European asset management industry will continue to play its part in solving one of the most pressing issues of our generation.

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