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EFAMA responses to European Commission consultations on MiFID, UCITS and AIFMD Delegated Acts

MiFID/MiFIR | AIFMD | Sustainable Finance
08 July 2020 | Press release
Sustainable Finance
EFAMA responses to European Commission consultations on MiFID, UCITS and AIFMD Delegated Acts

EFAMA responses to European Commission consultations on MiFID, UCITS and AIFMD Delegated Acts


Brussels, 8 July 2020 The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA), published their response to the European Commission's consultations on delegated acts that seek to integrate sustainability risks and sustainability factors into UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities), AIFMD (Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive) and MiFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive).

EFAMA has always firmly supported the creation of a robust framework for sustainable investing which facilitates the transition to a more sustainable European economy. In this context, the association sees the Commission's work on integrating sustainability considerations as an essential milestone that will further encourage the availability of ESG products to European investors.

The question European policymakers are now faced with, is whether to create a standardised tick-the-box system - putting sustainability in a niche - or to opt for a flexible approach promoting dynamic developments in sustainable investing. We would definitely advise for the latter as a flexible approach will foster a sustainable European economy", stated Tanguy van de Werve, EFAMA Director General.

The MiFID II, UCITS and AIFMD Delegated Acts should ensure that sustainable investing becomes mainstream. However, the Commission's proposals in their current state will not achieve this goal, highlights the association.

EFAMA is therefore insisting on the following essential adjustments:

  • MiFID must be fully aligned with the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR) with a clear distinction between Article 8 products (i.e. products promoting environmental and social characteristics, aka ESG strategy products) and Article 9 products (i.e. products pursuing sustainability investments). Only the latter should be required to invest in sustainable investments. One must avoid a situation in which a client who expresses sustainability preferences cannot be offered an Article 8 product while the very same product can be marketed as promoting environmental or social characteristics under SFDR.
    MiFID must not go beyond the existing SFDR requirements regarding principal adverse impact (PAI). The proposed delegated acts are significantly extending the scope of PAI at product-level that was previously agreed by European co-legislators.
  • EFAMA supports the integration of sustainability risks as part of the risk management policy at fund level in UCITS and AIFMD, but sees no reason to introduce this specific risk in the context of provisions related to general organisational due diligence or conflict of interest requirements, which by nature are not risks-related.


  • Finally, the specific requirements for sustainability risk management underscore the need for such risk management to be based on reliable information. While EFAMA hopes that changes to the NFDR (Non-Financial Reporting Directive) will improve the availability and reliability of ESG data, the NFRD will not be in place in time for these UCITS and AIFMD amended rules to take effect. Until at least 2023-2024, disclosures by issuers will be completed on a non-standardised 'comply and explain' basis. Until the revised NFRD is in place, EFAMA insists that asset managers should be allowed to assess sustainability risks also on a qualitative basis when firms set up their risk management frameworks.

EFAMA's detailed consultation response is available at


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Notes to editors:

Links to the four European Commission consultations:


These Directives are part of a broader Commission's initiative on sustainable development. It lays the foundation for an EU framework which puts sustainability considerations at the heart of the financial system to support transforming Europe's economy into a greener, more resilient and circular system in line with the European Green Deal objectives.

About the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA):
EFAMA, the voice of the European investment management industry, represents 28 Member Associations, 59 Corporate Members and 23 Associate Members. At end Q1 2020, total net assets of European investment funds reached EUR 15.7 trillion. These assets were managed by more than 34,250 UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities) and 29,000 AIFs (Alternative Investment Funds).

More information available elsewhere on this site.


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