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The power of investing: insights from experts and EU citizens

Investor Education
20 March 2025 | Press Release
Investor Education
Invest Early, Achieve Big brochure cover

EFAMA’s new brochure emphasizes the benefits of investing early 


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EFAMA is pleased to announce the release of its Investor Education brochure, titled “Invest Early, Achieve Big – Five questions on investing to build wealth over time”.


Two leading experts in the field of investor education -- Professor Luigi Guiso and Anne Lester, provide insightful answers to five fundamental questions about investing:


  1. Why is it important to invest?

  2. How can a beginner start investing?

  3. Why start investing early?

  4. How can investing align with long-term goals?

  5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when investing?


In addition, five European citizens from diverse backgrounds, age groups, and careers share their personal experiences and approaches to investing in practice. 


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The brochure is part of EFAMA’s contribution to Global Money Week (GMW), an initiative led by the OECD to enhance financial literacy among young people worldwide. GMW, which started on 17 March, aims to ensure that young individuals have access to high-quality financial education, empowering them to build financial resilience and secure their future well-being.


To further engage the public, EFAMA will host a webinar in the coming weeks to present the brochure and discuss the upcoming European strategy for financial literacy. 


Bernard Delbecque, Senior Director, Economics & Research at EFAMA, commented: “This brochure is a valuable resource for all, but it is particularly designed for first-time earners.  It explains why and how to start investing as early as possible to achieve long-term financial goals. The key is to start with small and regular investments to leverage the power of compound interest.  Investing is a journey toward financial security, helping individuals reach life milestones such as a dream home or preparing for retirement.”

EFAMA and its members have been committed advocates for financial literacy and investor education for many years. This latest brochure builds on two previous publications. The first targeted millennials and provided practical steps for getting started with investing. The second focused on sustainable investing and addressed nine key questions related to the topic.


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Notes to Editors


Read our 2021 brochure “Investing for a better future - 5 tips to do more with your savings” here.


Read our 2023 brochure “Sustainable Investing Explained in 9 Questions” here.


For further information, please contact:


Hayley McEwen

Head of communications and member development


This brochure is a valuable resource for all, but it is particularly designed for first-time earners.  It explains why and how to start investing as early as possible to achieve long-term financial goals. The key is to start with small and regular investments to leverage the power of compound interest.   Investing is a journey toward financial security, helping individuals reach life milestones such as a dream home or preparing for retirement.
(Bernard Delbecque, Senior Director, Economics & Research at EFAMA)

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