On Thursday, 2 December at 15:00 CET, EFAMA invites you to join an informative and thought-provoking exchange between distinguished speakers on the future of defined-contribution (DC) pensions. They are leading experts and practitioners in the field of pensions and will provide unique ideas to create a thriving DC market for pensions in Europe.
The discussion will be moderated by Jonathan Lipkin, Chairperson of EFAMA's Pensions Standing Committee.
View the recording here: https://youtu.be/DrdQNik6Mnc
This event will take place during the European Retirement Week, which is organised from 29 November to 3 December at the initiative of 11 European associations with the goal of providing a platform for a wide range of stakeholders to debate the future of pensions in Europe and raise citizens’ awareness of the need to save for retirement.