EFAMA fully supports the aim of eliminating tax abuse enshrined in the draft Anti-Tax Avoidance (ATA) Directive which the European Commission published on 28 January 2016. EFAMA is the representative association for the European investment management industry. EFAMA represents through its 26 member associations and 61 corporate members EUR 21 trillion in assets under management of which EUR 12.6 trillion managed by 56,000 investment funds at end 2015. Just over 30,000 of these funds were UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities) funds, with the remaining 25,900 funds composed of AIFs (Alternative Investment Funds). Our industry provides significant and stable flows of finance to the European economy. This position paper sets the views of the European investment management industry with regards to the impact of the proposed ATA Directive on this industry, as well as on its interaction and potential impact with the OECD BEPS Action plan.
EFAMA Position Paper on Draft Anti-Tax Avoidance (ATA) Directive
Tax & Accounting
05 April 2016 | Policy position
Tax & Accounting

Senior Tax Advisor