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Sustainable Finance
12 December 2019 | Press release
Sustainable Finance


Brussels, 12 December 2019 - EFAMA comments the European Commission's announcement of a Green Deal

Tanguy van de Werve, Director General of EFAMAcommenting on the EuropeanGreenDeal:

We applaudUrsula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and her team, for developing such an ambitious action plan. The European Green Deal, with theactivesupport from the Member States and the European Parliament, has the potential to be a real game changer and enable to achieve the ambitious aspiration ofmaking Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. As the voice of the European Asset Management Industry, we fully support the Commission and are committed to play our role asan industry in channelling the necessary funds towards projects which are essential for this transition to happen. We would like to stress that robust, comparable, reliable and publicly available ESG data on investee companies are a prerequisite for this to happen.


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