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ELTIF 2.0 Level 2 rules are almost complete

22 July 2024 | Statement
Green patches of grass

On Friday 19 July, the European Commission formally adopted its Delegated Regulation supplementing the ELTIF Regulation. This text will now be subject to a 3-month scrutiny period by the co-legislators before entering into force.


EFAMA congratulates the Commission on a very robust set of Level 2 rules which will support the revised ELTIF rulebook.


There is no doubt that the changes to the ELTIF rulebook have been a success. Since the decision was made to update the ELTIF regime in 2021, we have seen remarkable changes in the market in only 3 years:


  • The number of ELTIFs has increased from 57 to more than 120
  • The AuM of ELTIFs have increased from €2.7bn to more than €13.6bn
  • New domiciles have begun hosting ELTIFs
  • At least 8 new asset managers have launched their own ELTIFs


We expect even more significant developments in this market once the Level 2 rules enter into application, which we expect to be by the end of this year. For further information on the ELTIF 2.0, please consult our FAQ.


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