Press releases
We work to promote a better understanding of the investment management industry and its contribution to growth, jobs and the economy through social media, press releases, in-depth interviews and media events.
PRIIPS | EFAMA calls for urgent Level 1 review and extension of the UCITS exemption
EFAMA calls for greater scrutiny over Credit Rating Agency affiliates and development of the European Rating Platform
We see ESMAs consultation on the use of credit rating information and data as an opportunity to further develop the European Rating Platform as a single and free access point for all users of credit rating information. We also call for greater scrutiny over Credit Rating Agency (CRA) affiliates, insofar as their licensing agreements and unfair bundling practices are concerned, concluding that these entities should be scoped into the CRA Regulation.
Associations joint letter on integration of sustainability factors and risks
EFAMA, together with seven other EU trade Associations*, have submitted a joint letter to the European Commission addressing concerns following the recently proposed changes to the delegated acts under MiFID II, IDD and Solvency II on the integration of sustainability factors and risks. The letter particularly addresses challenges stemming from the introduction of the new definition of sustainability preferences used across all three pieces of legislation.
For interview requests or quotes, contact hayley.mcewen(at)