Management Companies
EFAMA has been looking at legislative proposals with a direct impact on asset management companies and services, and closely follows any regulatory developments of critical importance to the sector. In addition to issues related to risk management and financial stability, high up on the agenda of EFAMA members is the framework for a prudential regime for Investment Firms (IFD/R), and related implementing measures directly descending from such framework.
EFAMA is focused on minimising the impact of the rules on asset management companies, in particular those holding a limited MiFID license. Key to the sector is the need for proportionality, especially firms that are not authorised to hold client money/securities, or to deal on their own account.
EFAMA Response to the IOSCO Consultation on CIS Liquidity Risk Management Recommendations (CR04/2017)
Use of Leverage in Investment Funds in Europe | AMIC-EFAMA Joint Paper
EFAMA response to the IOSCO Consultation on Termination of Investment Funds
EFAMA welcomes the opportunity to provide its comments on the Good Practices to be adopted by IOSCO for the Termination of Investment Funds. We agree that the decision to terminate a fund can have significant impact on investors in terms of the costs associated with such an action, or the ability for investors to redeem their holdings during the termination process. In this regard, even in the context of a fund’s voluntary termination, asset managers must abide by their fiduciary obligation to act in the best interest of their investors.
IMF 2021: Thought-provoking discussions and insightful presentations
This year’s Investment Management Forum featured an incredible number of high-level speakers and thought-provoking discussions.
AIFMD review - how to tweak a successful framework
EFAMA welcomes the European Commission’s review of the Alternative Investment Fund Management Directive (AIFMD), setting out targeted improvements to key provisions in the current framework. Such targeted improvements will make strides in advancing the Capital Markets Union. At the same time, they maintain the framework which has underpinned a decade of growth in the European Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) market and proven resilient even throughout recent market stresses.
Thank you to the Investment Management Forum sponsors | Register now!
Register now for our Investment Management Forum next week! High-calibre panels and keynote speakers promise rich, informative and thought-provoking exchanges between European policymakers, investment managers and regulators on
- the Competitiveness of our industry
- the EU retail investment strategy
- the latest in global standards for sustainability reporting
- challenges and opportunities of alternative investment regulations
- the impact of digitalisation on asset management
- and more...
Asset Management Report 2021
This is our 13th edition of the Asset Management in Europe report, which provides an in-depth analysis of recent trends in the European asset management industry, focussing on where investment funds and discretionary mandates are managed in Europe.
Infographic | The delegation process
The AIFMD is one of the pillars of EU regulation for investment funds, which will be crucial to the development of the Capital Markets Union (CMU) and the post Covid-19 economic recovery in the European Union. One subject that the AIFMD covers is the delegation process. We created the below infographic to shine a light on how delegation works under the current AIFMD, including how the delegation process is controlled, what activities can be delegated and what the benefits of delegation are for end investors and the asset management industry.
EFAMA Annual Review 2020-2021
It gives me great pleasure to provide you with an overview of our activities since our Ordinary General Meeting of last year.