Joint letter asks European Commission to delay technical changes by supervisors until broader review of SFDR is complete
Joint letter asks European Commission to delay technical changes by supervisors until broader review of SFDR is complete
In a joint letter, EFAMA, together with the European Banking Federation (EBF), Insurance Europe, European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG), Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA), Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME), and the European Association of Cooperative Banks, have released a joint letter asking the European Commission to better coordinate the publication of new rules for the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).
In our latest Monthly Statistical Release, we show the following main developments in November 2023 for the investment fund market:
New report calls for action to be taken to revive the Capital Markets Union project
This report analyses the progress made in recent years by European households in allocating more of their financial wealth to capital market instruments (pension plans, life insurance, investment funds, debt securities and listed shares) and less in cash and bank deposits. It also includes policy recommendations on improving retail participation in capital markets, including for the Retail Investment Strategy currently under discussion.
Some key findings include:
However, European supervisors’ proposed technical standards threaten the success of the new regime
Today’s European Parliament vote concludes the MiFID/R review process
IZFiA (Izba Zarzadzajacych Funduszami i Aktywami) has just joined EFAMA, the Brussels-based trade body representing the European investment management industry.
EFAMA agrees in principle with many of ESMA’s suggested approaches in their consultation on guidelines on certain aspects of the MIFID II appropriateness and execution-only requirements. However, certain, essential elements still require further considerations before finalising these Guidelines.
EFAMA welcomes the ESAs’ official approval of the revised PRIIPs RTS and is now awaiting the Commission’s endorsement to have the RTS approved by the European co-legislators.
Originally, the Commission had intended to endorse the revised RTS by Q1 2020. With less than nine months remaining until the 31 December 2021 implementation deadline, there is now simply not enough time for fund managers and other product manufacturers to properly implement the envisaged wide-ranging changes. We explain why in more detail below.
ICMA’s AMIC and EFAMA have submitted a joint response to the IOSCO consultation on fund liquidity management by open-ended funds.
The response highlights how industry practices and existing regulatory provisions in Europe are well aligned with the Liquidity Risk Management (LRM) recommendations issued by IOSCO in 2018 (Annex 1).
EFAMA responded to one particular section of the Green Paper on Ageing published by the European Commission.
Members of the Pension Standing Committee addressed the following questions: What role could supplementary pensions play in ensuring adequate retirement incomes? How could they be extended throughout the EU and what would be the EU’s role in this process?
They recommend actions in four specific areas:
EFAMA welcomes the proposed revised OECD Roadmap. We would like to congratulate the OECD team working on private pensions for the wide-ranging research projects it undertook over the past years, which provided sound, evidence-based arguments to update the 2012 Roadmap.
We strongly support the main messages of the Roadmap, in particular the importance of
The Commission launched a public consultation ahead of the presentation of a legislative proposal to introduce an EU Digital Levy by January 2023. For EFAMA, any new tax legislation on “digital activities” (or “digital transactions”) should not be borne by the end-investors. Our understanding is that the industry’s activities should not be in scope of the new tax.
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