FSB consultation on NBFI leverage
EFAMA welcomes the FSB recommendation that jurisdictions develop domestic frameworks to monitor and mitigate the build-up of leverage. These analytical frameworks should take a holistic approach and be empirically driven. The main systemic risk stemming from leverage is the imbalance between liquidity demand and supply during periods of stress, not the (collective) default of non-bank financial intermediaries.
IOSCO consultation on revised liquidity recommendations
In its response to IOSCO’s consultation on the revised recommendations for liquidity risk management for collective investment schemes, EFAMA welcomes the fact that IOSCO recognises aspects essential for proper risk management (e.g., asset managers’ primary responsibility and the absence of one-size-fits-all approaches).
ESMA's consultation paper on conditions of the Active Account Requirements
EFAMA has submitted its response to ESMA’s consultation on the Active Account Requirements (AAR). Our industry stands ready to implement the AAR by June 2025... However, we have strong reservations about the heavy and redundant reporting requirements.