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EFAMA elects Nicolas Calcoen as its new President

Capital Markets Union | Distribution & Client Disclosures | EU Fund regulation | Investor Education | Management Companies | Pensions | Supervision | Sustainable Finance | Tax & Accounting
21 June 2019 | Press release
Capital Markets Union
Distribution & Client Disclosures
EU Fund regulation
Investor Education
Management Companies
Sustainable Finance
Tax & Accounting
board meeting


Myriam Vanneste, Global Head of Product Management at Candriam and Jarkko Syyrila, Head of Public Affairs at Nordea Asset and Wealth Management become Vice Presidents

The European Fund and Asset Management Association, EFAMA, held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Paris today, hosted by the French asset management association Association francaise de la Gestion Financire (AFG).

Members at the EFAMA Annual General Meeting had the honour to welcome the French Minister of Economy and FinanceMr. Bruno Le Maire, and the Chairman of the French Financial Markets Authority AMF, Mr. Robert Ophle whose presence attests to the acknowledgement of the crucial role of the asset management industry in financing the economy.

At the AGM, EFAMA elected Nicolas Calcoen, Deputy General Manager of Amundi, as President for a two-year term, which will run until June 2021.


The AGM also elected Myriam Vanneste, Global Head of Product Management of Candriam, and Jarkko Syyril, Head of Public Affairs of Nordea Asset and Wealth Management (AWM), as EFAMA's Vice Presidents for the same two-year term.

Nicolas Calcoen, who has just completed a two-year term as EFAMA's Vice-President and succeeds William Nott as President, is head of Finance, Strategy and Public Affairs at Amundi. Prior to this, Nicolas Calcoen was Chief Financial Officer of Amundi since October 2012. He has been a member of the EFAMA Board of Directors since 2012.


Myriam Vanneste is Member of the Board of Candriam Belgium. She has held a number of strategic roles at Candriam over the past 21 years, including Global Head of Group Relations, Global Head of Distribution and Global Head of Product Management. Myriam Vanneste has been on the Board of the Belgian Asset Management Association (BeAMA) since 2005 as well as on the Board of the Belgian Federation of the Financial Sector (Febelfin) since 2011.


Jarkko Syyrila has been Executive Adviser and Head of Public Affairs at Nordea Asset and Wealth Management since March 2016, where he is responsible for coordinating the firm's external advocacy. Jarkko Syyrila has extensive public affairs experience with industry bodies, having been the Investment Management Association's Director for International Relations, and EFAMA's Deputy Director General before joining Nordea as Head of Asset Management Compliance in 2014.


Outgoing President, William Nott, said: "It has been a great honour and a privilege to serve EFAMA and its members. It has also been a period where I believe we have achieved noteworthy successes. The PEPP Regulation has finally become a reality, the UCITS exemption from the PRIIPs Regulation has been extended by two years, and delegation as we know it will be preserved. These are all significant milestones for our industry and a lot of hard work has gone into achieving these results. I am confident of the association's future success under the direction of Tanguy van de Werve, EFAMA's new Director General. It is an exciting time for the industry, and I believe Nicolas will be an excellent EFAMA President".


Nicolas Calcoen added: It is a great honour and privilege for me to have been elected as President of EFAMA, our highly successful and respected association. Being president of EFAMA in this specific moment is very challenging. Likely adjustments will bring us a number of challenges, however we as an industry - have an important role to play giving European citizens access to investment opportunities and products which offer value and help them to improve their financial wellbeing. It is only through the combined efforts of the policymakers, regulators and industry that we could achieve the best for the European citizens and for the European competitiveness.

I look forward to working with Myriam, Jarkko, Tanguy and our Board Members to progress these issues".


Eric Pinon, Chairman of hosting association AFG, commented: On behalf of AFG, I have the great pleasure of welcoming the 2019 EFAMA AGM. We have chosen to gather all of the asset management industry players next to the Eiffel Tower as a symbol of the growth we are aiming at. In the coming months, we will have to deal with different challenges including but not limited to regulatory changes, new European institutions, a new European landscape. Our industry will have to position itself as a bridge between savings and the real economy; sustainable finance should thereforebe a fantastic lever. European projects are a great opportunity as well."


Tanguy van de Werve, Director General of EFAMA commented: We are very grateful to AFG for hosting this year's Annual Meeting and delighted to welcome Nicolas Calcoen, Myriam Vanneste and Jarkko Syyril as our new President and Vice-Presidents. These are exciting times for EFAMA as we are planning to bring the Association to the next level. The European asset management industry has an important role to play in helping bridge the retirement income gap and ensuring the transition towards a more sustainable development model.As the representative voice of the European industry, we are ideally placed to contribute to these objectives and engage with policymakers in a constructive manner.Our new Presidency will help us achieve this, with the support of the EFAMA secretariat and our members."


Members at the EFAMA Annual General Meeting also elected a new Board of Directors for a two-year term*.


EFAMA and its newly appointed Presidency are committed to an agenda that ensures all citizens have access to investment opportunities and products which offer value and help them obtain a secure financial future, particularly in retirement. As the representative association for the European asset management industry, it will continue to focus on the following objectives:


  • To put the end investors European savers and pensioners in the driving seat by empowering them with the right information, choice and advice on their savings and investments
  • To continue to finance the European economy in the most efficient way, by building a sound regulatory framework which maximises our stewardship role
  • To help the European economy remain globally competitive with a proportionate, dynamic and coherent regulatory environment with other markets



For media enquiries, please contact:

Tanguy van de Werve, Director General

Telephone: +32 (0) 2 513 39 69



Notes to editors:


About the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA):

EFAMA is the representative association for the European investment management industry, which represents 28 member associations and 62 corporate members. At end 2018, total net assets of European investment funds reached EUR 15.2 trillion. Close to 33,400 of these funds were UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities) and close to 28,600 of these funds were AIFs (Alternative Investment Funds). For more information about EFAMA, please visit


EFAMA's Board of Directors:

President: Nicolas Calcoen
Vice Presidents: Myriam Vanneste and Jarkko Syyrila
Director General: Tanguy van de Werve


National Member Association Representatives:


Austria Mr Armin Kammel VIG - Vereinigung oesterreichischer Investmentgesellschaften
Belgium Ms Josette Leenders BEAMA Belgian Asset Managers Association
Bulgaria Mr Petko Krustev BAAMC - Bulgarian Association of Asset Management Companies
Croatia Mr Hrvoje Krstulovi Croatian Association of Investment Fund Management Companies
Cyprus Mr Marios Tannousis CIFA Cyprus Investment Funds Association
Czech Republic Ms Jana Brodani Czech Capital Market Association (AKAT cr)
Denmark Ms Birgitte Sgaard Holm DIA Danish Investment Association
Finland Mr Jari Virta FFI Finance Finland
France Mr Pierre Bollon AFG - Association Francaise de la Gestion Financiare
Germany Mr Thomas Richter BVI - Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e.V.
Greece Ms Marina Vassilicos HFAMA - Hellenic Fund and Asset Management Association
Hungary Mr Andras Temmel BAMOSZ - Befektetsi Alapkezelok s Vagyonkezelok Magyarorszgi Szvetsge
Ireland Mr Pat Lardner IF - Irish Funds Industry Association (Irish Funds-
Italy Mr Fabio Galli Assogestioni
Liechtenstein Ms Annette von Osten LAFV Liechtenstein Investment Fund Association
Luxembourg Mr Camille Thommes ALFI Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry
Malta Mr Kenneth Farrugia MASA - Malta Asset Servicing Association
Netherlands Ms Iris van de Looij DUFAS - Dutch Fund and Asset Management Association
Norway Mr Bernt Zakariassen VFF - Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association
Portugal Mr Jos Veiga Sarmento Portuguese Association of Investment Funds, Pension Funds and Asset Management (APFIPP)
Romania Mr Jan Pricop AFF - Romanian Asset Managers Association
Slovakia Mr Marian Matusovic Slovak Association of Fund Management Companies
Slovenia Ms Karmen Rejc ZDU - Slovenian Investment Fund Association
Spain Mr Angel Martnez-Aldama INVERCO
Sweden Mr Fredrik Nordstrm Swedish Investment Fund Association
Switzerland Mr Markus Fuchs Swiss Funds & Asset Management Association SFAMA
Turkey Mr Selim Yazici TKYD Turkish Institutional Investment Managers' Association
United Kingdom Mr Chris Cummings The Investment Association


Ms Joanna Cound BlackRock
Ms Sabine Dittrich UBS AM
Mr Jon Griffin JP Morgan AM
Mr Thorsten Heymann Allianz Global Investors
Mr Stphane Janin Axa Investment Managers
Mr Graeme Miller Aviva Investors
Ms Sheila Nicoll Schroders






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