EFAMA welcomes ESMA’s Call for Evidence on asset segregation and custody services as a precious occasion to confirm our previous key messages - as per our response to the previous consultation around Guidelines on asset segregation under the AIFMD of December 2014 – and to clarify our position on new aspects of ESMA’s work.
EU Fund regulation
The EU fund product landscape is deep, diverse and dynamic. Since the birth of the UCITS framework in 1985, European institutions have progressively refined it into a global “gold standard”, one that successfully balances strict regulatory requirements with the flexibility required by manager to meet evolving client demands. The successful evolution of UCITS was followed by the creation of alternative investment funds (AIFs) under the 2011 AIFM Directive, adding a second important pillar to EU fund/manager regulation. Building on this second pillar are further ambitious EU fund products, such as EUSEFs, EUVECAs and ELTIFs. EFAMA has helped guide all of these key regulatory developments, informing policymakers and regulators on their main merits and drawbacks, while also keeping a close eye on their respective review initiatives.
EFAMA strongly supports a fundamental review to the ELTIF regime, in view of broadening its eligible investment universe and adapting it to better meet retail investor needs. We are also closely monitoring the review of the AIFM Directive from a product regulation standpoint, including possible spillover effects on the UCITS Directive requirements. Further work involves keeping pace with relevant ESMA initiatives, such as the work around the Common Supervisory Action on costs and fees for UCITS.
EFAMA response to ESMA Call for Evidence on asset segregation
EFAMA response to Green Paper on Retail Financial Services
EFAMA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the European Commission’s Green Paper on retail financial services. Widening the opportunities for European citizens to save and invest will facilitate better outcomes both for savers and the wider European economy.
EFAMA fully shares the goals of a Single Market for retail financial services in the EU, i.e.:
1. Promoting an EU-wide market in retail financial services that can facilitate cross-border business and consumer choice.
EFAMA response to EC consultation on impacts of maximum remuneration ratio under CRD IV
Our corporate members are both subsidiaries of an EEA parent that is a credit institution as per Article 4(1)(1) of the CRR, or stand-alone investment firms as per Article 4(1)(2) of the CRR. Both types of entities risk becoming subject to the Maximum Ratio Rule as asset management companies licensed under either a UCITS or AIFM management company license, or licensed as investment firms under the MiFID regime to provide discretionary portfolio management services on a client-by-client basis.
Initial reactions on the new Capital Markets Union action plan - Keynote by Tanguy van de Werve
6th Cyprus International Funds Summit - 16 November 2020
Monthly Statistics August 2020 | UCITS and AIFs continue to record net inflows in August
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has today published its latest monthly Investment Fund Industry Fact Sheet, which provides net sales data of UCITS and AIFs for August 2020*.
Bernard Delbecque, Senior Director for Economics and Research commented: "Thanks to positive news on the global economic recovery, long-term UCITS continued to record net inflows in August, albeit at a slower pace than during the previous four months."
European Money Market Funds navigated the Covid 19 crisis successfully
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has published its second Market Insights highlighting the major trends shaping the European Money Market Fund (MMF) landscape since the entry into force of the Money Market Fund Regulation (MMFR).
The European Fund Classification - EFC Categories Report, 2nd ed.
The European Fund Classification (EFC) is a pan-European classification system of investment funds, which is maintained by a Task Force of EFAMA.
3 questions to Sheila Nicoll and Alexander Schindler on the Capital Markets Union High Level Forum
Q #1 What is the difference of the High-Level Forum report to previous initiatives on the Capital Markets Union? What is different this time around?
Global Memo on Market Data Costs
In a report released today, the International Council of Securities Associations (ICSA), the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA), and the Managed Funds Association (MFA) call for the implementation of internationally recognized principles to address excessively high market data fees and unfair licensing provisions.