In our latest Monthly Statistical Release, we show the following main developments in December 2023 for the European investment fund market. A first overview and analysis of the full year 2023 is also included.
In our latest Monthly Statistical Release, we show the following main developments in December 2023 for the European investment fund market. A first overview and analysis of the full year 2023 is also included.
Regulation for other kinds of ESG data products still missing.
European fund body asks UK regulator to further simplify recognition of EU retail funds
Joint letter asks European Commission to delay technical changes by supervisors until broader review of SFDR is complete
In a joint letter, EFAMA, together with the European Banking Federation (EBF), Insurance Europe, European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG), Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA), Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME), and the European Association of Cooperative Banks, have released a joint letter asking the European Commission to better coordinate the publication of new rules for the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).
In our latest Monthly Statistical Release, we show the following main developments in November 2023 for the investment fund market:
New report calls for action to be taken to revive the Capital Markets Union project
This report analyses the progress made in recent years by European households in allocating more of their financial wealth to capital market instruments (pension plans, life insurance, investment funds, debt securities and listed shares) and less in cash and bank deposits. It also includes policy recommendations on improving retail participation in capital markets, including for the Retail Investment Strategy currently under discussion.
Some key findings include:
EFAMA is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the drafting of the Regulation through a consultation and we appreciate the effort of the regulator to adopt an approach to reporting consistent with EMIR and to develop, where more efficient, a different reporting logic.
EFAMA is grateful for the opportunity to comment on the OECD Public Discussion Draft related to concerns received by the OECD on previous discussion drafts related to the Report on Action 6, as to how the new provisions included in the Report on Action 6 could affect the treaty-entitlement of nonCIVs. We agree with the aim of the discussion draft to clarify any concerns in relation to the discussion concerning the treaty entitlement of CIVs / Non-CIVs.
EFAMA fully supports the aim of eliminating tax abuse enshrined in the draft Anti-Tax Avoidance (ATA) Directive which the European Commission published on 28 January 2016. EFAMA is the representative association for the European investment management industry. EFAMA represents through its 26 member associations and 61 corporate members EUR 21 trillion in assets under management of which EUR 12.6 trillion managed by 56,000 investment funds at end 2015.
Importance of Responsible Investment
EFAMA welcomes the decision of the Commission to review the prospectus regime with the objective to make it easier and simpler for companies generally and in particular SMEs in Europe to access capital markets, to provide all types of issuers with further simplification and flexibity and to ensure adequate information for investors.
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