Updated Cyber Security Program Basics for investment management companies
Building a Capital Markets Union (CMU) serving the needs of European citizens and businesses is as ambitious as it is essential: the effort will enable pensioners and savers to share in the upside of Europe’s economic recovery. In the process, European capital markets also become more efficient and better integrated. This long-term vision is key to financing European innovation and to supporting the transition towards a more sustainable economy.
Increasing retail investors’ participation in capital markets is an essential component for building an effective CMU. EFAMA relentlessly advocates for effective disclosure rules and consumer empowerment.
EFAMA's 16th edition of its ‘Asset Management in Europe’ report provides an in-depth analysis of recent trends in the European asset management industry. It highlights the growth of retail and passive investing, and how asset managers finance the European economy. In addition to data on assets under management in investment funds and discretionary mandates, industry clients, asset allocation and industry organisation, this report addresses key industry questions, including:
EFAMA’s publication lays out the asset management sector’s policy priorities for the next five years, building on the in-depth expertise of our members. This includes practical recommendations for keeping Europe competitive and developing deeper, more integrated and liquid capital markets in Europe.
Despite the growing interest and importance of sustainable investing, most EU citizens often find it difficult to navigate this relatively new investment landscape.
EFAMA has published a brochure in which we explore what sustainable investing is; what investment strategies are available; what impact you can have as on investor; what questions you should be asking your self and your financial advisor; and how to get started.
Financial literacy is essential for making sound decisions when managing savings. If European citizens do not understand financial concepts such as risk diversification, compound interest and real rate of return, they won’t know where to start or what to ask should they wish to invest their savings. A lack of sufficient financial literacy in most European countries helps explain why the vast majority of households don’t directly invest any of their savings in the capital markets.
EFAMA's Investor Education Platform has now produced an animated brochure titled ‘Investing for a better future – 5 tips to do more with your savings’ to help get people started with investing. It has been translated into several European languages.
With European government no longer able to provide financial security to support citizens in later years, saving for retirement is key. Individuals need to save enough for retirement to ensure adequate income in old age.
EFAMA helps by raising awareness of the importance of saving for retirement and encouraging European authorities to further modernise relevant EU legislation. This includes strengthening competition in the occupational and personal pension markets, and fostering cross-border activities of pension providers and asset managers. Such legislation should seek to create economies of scale, to benefit savers.
EFAMA is a co-initiator of the European Retirement Week.
Building a Capital Markets Union (CMU) serving the needs of European citizens and businesses is as ambitious as it is essential: the effort will enable pensioners and savers to share in the upside of Europe’s economic recovery. In the process, European capital markets also become more efficient and better integrated. This long-term vision is key to financing European innovation and to supporting the transition towards a more sustainable economy.
Increasing retail investors’ participation in capital markets is an essential component for building an effective CMU. EFAMA relentlessly advocates for effective disclosure rules and consumer empowerment.
EFAMA's 16th edition of its ‘Asset Management in Europe’ report provides an in-depth analysis of recent trends in the European asset management industry. It highlights the growth of retail and passive investing, and how asset managers finance the European economy. In addition to data on assets under management in investment funds and discretionary mandates, industry clients, asset allocation and industry organisation, this report addresses key industry questions, including:
EFAMA’s publication lays out the asset management sector’s policy priorities for the next five years, building on the in-depth expertise of our members. This includes practical recommendations for keeping Europe competitive and developing deeper, more integrated and liquid capital markets in Europe.
Despite the growing interest and importance of sustainable investing, most EU citizens often find it difficult to navigate this relatively new investment landscape.
EFAMA has published a brochure in which we explore what sustainable investing is; what investment strategies are available; what impact you can have as on investor; what questions you should be asking your self and your financial advisor; and how to get started.
Financial literacy is essential for making sound decisions when managing savings. If European citizens do not understand financial concepts such as risk diversification, compound interest and real rate of return, they won’t know where to start or what to ask should they wish to invest their savings. A lack of sufficient financial literacy in most European countries helps explain why the vast majority of households don’t directly invest any of their savings in the capital markets.
EFAMA's Investor Education Platform has now produced an animated brochure titled ‘Investing for a better future – 5 tips to do more with your savings’ to help get people started with investing. It has been translated into several European languages.
With European government no longer able to provide financial security to support citizens in later years, saving for retirement is key. Individuals need to save enough for retirement to ensure adequate income in old age.
EFAMA helps by raising awareness of the importance of saving for retirement and encouraging European authorities to further modernise relevant EU legislation. This includes strengthening competition in the occupational and personal pension markets, and fostering cross-border activities of pension providers and asset managers. Such legislation should seek to create economies of scale, to benefit savers.
EFAMA is a co-initiator of the European Retirement Week.
Building a Capital Markets Union (CMU) serving the needs of European citizens and businesses is as ambitious as it is essential: the effort will enable pensioners and savers to share in the upside of Europe’s economic recovery. In the process, European capital markets also become more efficient and better integrated. This long-term vision is key to financing European innovation and to supporting the transition towards a more sustainable economy.
Increasing retail investors’ participation in capital markets is an essential component for building an effective CMU. EFAMA relentlessly advocates for effective disclosure rules and consumer empowerment.
Updated Cyber Security Program Basics for investment management companies
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has today published its latest monthly Investment Fund Industry Fact Sheet, which provides net sales data of UCITS and AIFs for August 2020*.
Bernard Delbecque, Senior Director for Economics and Research commented: "Thanks to positive news on the global economic recovery, long-term UCITS continued to record net inflows in August, albeit at a slower pace than during the previous four months."
CMVM 2020 Conference – 8 October 2020
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has today published its latest monthly Investment Fund Industry Fact Sheet, which provides net sales data of UCITS and AIFs for September 2020*.
Bernard Delbecque, Senior Director for Economics and Research commented: Net inflows into UCITS equity funds remained steady in September despite concerns about rising Covid-19 infection rates and the potential impact of new lockdown measures.
The main developments in September 2020 can be summarised as follows:
Through its ETF Task Force, EFAMA has produced an Investor Education Guide intended to draw out, in a simple form, the defining features for the three main types of ETPs (Exchange-traded products) listed across European markets. The association hopes this guide will primarily assist investors in having a clearer understanding of different ETPs and help investors appreciate the differences between them, especially from a risk and product complexity viewpoint.
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has published its first ESG-focused Market Insights Sustainable investment in the European asset management industry: defining and sizing ESG strategies.
6th Cyprus International Funds Summit - 16 November 2020
EFAMA and EFSA welcome the publication of a Market Structure Partners Study on the Creation of an EU Consolidated Tape which addresses the challenges, demand, benefits and proposed architecture for consolidating European financial market data.
Updated Cyber Security Program Basics for investment management companies
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has today published its latest monthly Investment Fund Industry Fact Sheet, which provides net sales data of UCITS and AIFs for August 2020*.
Bernard Delbecque, Senior Director for Economics and Research commented: "Thanks to positive news on the global economic recovery, long-term UCITS continued to record net inflows in August, albeit at a slower pace than during the previous four months."
CMVM 2020 Conference – 8 October 2020
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has today published its latest monthly Investment Fund Industry Fact Sheet, which provides net sales data of UCITS and AIFs for September 2020*.
Bernard Delbecque, Senior Director for Economics and Research commented: Net inflows into UCITS equity funds remained steady in September despite concerns about rising Covid-19 infection rates and the potential impact of new lockdown measures.
The main developments in September 2020 can be summarised as follows:
Through its ETF Task Force, EFAMA has produced an Investor Education Guide intended to draw out, in a simple form, the defining features for the three main types of ETPs (Exchange-traded products) listed across European markets. The association hopes this guide will primarily assist investors in having a clearer understanding of different ETPs and help investors appreciate the differences between them, especially from a risk and product complexity viewpoint.
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has published its first ESG-focused Market Insights Sustainable investment in the European asset management industry: defining and sizing ESG strategies.
6th Cyprus International Funds Summit - 16 November 2020
EFAMA and EFSA welcome the publication of a Market Structure Partners Study on the Creation of an EU Consolidated Tape which addresses the challenges, demand, benefits and proposed architecture for consolidating European financial market data.
Updated Cyber Security Program Basics for investment management companies
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has today published its latest monthly Investment Fund Industry Fact Sheet, which provides net sales data of UCITS and AIFs for August 2020*.
Bernard Delbecque, Senior Director for Economics and Research commented: "Thanks to positive news on the global economic recovery, long-term UCITS continued to record net inflows in August, albeit at a slower pace than during the previous four months."
CMVM 2020 Conference – 8 October 2020
Given the increasingly important role ESG ratings and data products providers play in investment processes, EFAMA welcomes the increased attention of regulators to this issue. In light of the growing regulatory scrutiny on the ESG characteristics of potential investments, improving the usability and reliability of the ESG ratings and data products is a key priority for the European asset management industry.
The European Commission recently adopted amendments to the Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) Regulation and the Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) Directive. However, in contrast to earlier plans, the adoption of the revised Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) amending Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/653 has been postponed.
EFAMA and several other financial industry associations, raised concerns in response to a consultation conducted by the European Commission on planned changes to the Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) framework.
The unexpected delay to the adoption of the revised PRIIPs RTS cuts the implementation period for the industry by more than two months. This leaves PRIIPs manufacturers and distributors with a too short period instead of the original timeframe of 12 months to implement the new rules.
EFAMA provided high-level comments to the Commission’s consultation on the potential review of the Directive on Distance Marketing of Consumer Financial Services.
We agree with the Commission’s interpretation that the Directive is seen as a “safety net” for financial services not already subject to product-specific legislation. Fund and asset managers are already subject to various, more stringent and detailed sectoral legislations, such as (but not limited to) UCITS, AIFMD and MiFID as well as the (more recent) Cross-Border Fund Distribution Directives.
The asset management industry recognises the much-needed adoption of mandatory European sustainability reporting standards under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) proposal. Insufficient availability of meaningful, comparable, reliable, and public Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data is a key impediment to realising the full potential of the EU's sustainable finance regulatory framework. Financial market participants' sustainable investments need to be driven by real, verifiable and reported ESG metrics of company's activities and financial risks.
Nine associations (AFME, AIMA, EAPB, EBF, EFAMA, FIA, ICI, ISDA, SIFMA AMG) welcome the Commission's decision to grant a time-limited equivalence decision in respect of UK CCPs. However, when this time-limited equivalence decision expires on 30 June 2022, there remains a significant risk of disruption to clearing for EU firms and to their access to global markets.
Given the increasingly important role ESG ratings and data products providers play in investment processes, EFAMA welcomes the increased attention of regulators to this issue. In light of the growing regulatory scrutiny on the ESG characteristics of potential investments, improving the usability and reliability of the ESG ratings and data products is a key priority for the European asset management industry.
The European Commission recently adopted amendments to the Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) Regulation and the Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) Directive. However, in contrast to earlier plans, the adoption of the revised Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) amending Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/653 has been postponed.
EFAMA and several other financial industry associations, raised concerns in response to a consultation conducted by the European Commission on planned changes to the Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) framework.
The unexpected delay to the adoption of the revised PRIIPs RTS cuts the implementation period for the industry by more than two months. This leaves PRIIPs manufacturers and distributors with a too short period instead of the original timeframe of 12 months to implement the new rules.
EFAMA provided high-level comments to the Commission’s consultation on the potential review of the Directive on Distance Marketing of Consumer Financial Services.
We agree with the Commission’s interpretation that the Directive is seen as a “safety net” for financial services not already subject to product-specific legislation. Fund and asset managers are already subject to various, more stringent and detailed sectoral legislations, such as (but not limited to) UCITS, AIFMD and MiFID as well as the (more recent) Cross-Border Fund Distribution Directives.
The asset management industry recognises the much-needed adoption of mandatory European sustainability reporting standards under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) proposal. Insufficient availability of meaningful, comparable, reliable, and public Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data is a key impediment to realising the full potential of the EU's sustainable finance regulatory framework. Financial market participants' sustainable investments need to be driven by real, verifiable and reported ESG metrics of company's activities and financial risks.
Nine associations (AFME, AIMA, EAPB, EBF, EFAMA, FIA, ICI, ISDA, SIFMA AMG) welcome the Commission's decision to grant a time-limited equivalence decision in respect of UK CCPs. However, when this time-limited equivalence decision expires on 30 June 2022, there remains a significant risk of disruption to clearing for EU firms and to their access to global markets.
Given the increasingly important role ESG ratings and data products providers play in investment processes, EFAMA welcomes the increased attention of regulators to this issue. In light of the growing regulatory scrutiny on the ESG characteristics of potential investments, improving the usability and reliability of the ESG ratings and data products is a key priority for the European asset management industry.
The European Commission recently adopted amendments to the Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) Regulation and the Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) Directive. However, in contrast to earlier plans, the adoption of the revised Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) amending Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/653 has been postponed.
EFAMA and several other financial industry associations, raised concerns in response to a consultation conducted by the European Commission on planned changes to the Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) framework.
The unexpected delay to the adoption of the revised PRIIPs RTS cuts the implementation period for the industry by more than two months. This leaves PRIIPs manufacturers and distributors with a too short period instead of the original timeframe of 12 months to implement the new rules.
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Our three membership categories cater to the wide range of organisations that make up and support the investment management industry in Europe.