EFAMA appreciates the opportunity to comment on the EMIR 3.0 proposal reforming the clearing framework in the EU. We share the objectives of this review which seek to ensure financial stability in the EU, and the well-functioning of the existing central clearing framework. We understand the objective to reduce excessive exposure to substantially systemic CCPs over time, though we maintain that any regulatory measures should be proportionate to the regulatory rationale, and should not unduly harm market participants.
European Market Infrastructures regulation (EMIR)
In 2012, following the 2008 financial crisis, the EU adopted the European Market Infrastructures regulation (EMIR) with the laudable objectives of increasing transparency in the OTC derivatives markets, to reduce the counterparty risk of derivatives contracts and to reduce operational risks associated with derivatives trading.
EFAMA welcomes the improvements recently brought by the EMIR Refit: It redefines the obligations imposed on derivatives users, recognising and solving some issues previously existing in EMIR, such as the disproportionate regulatory burden imposed on the least risky counterparties. We also advocate for a better alignment between EMIR and MiFIR, especially with regards to the clearing and trading obligations.
Joint trade association advocacy paper on equity option margin exemption under EMIR 3
EU Com targeted consultation on the review of the central clearing framework in the EU
EFAMA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the EC’s targeted consultation on the EU’s central clearing framework. We are pleased to find in this consultation document a fair reflection of the complexity of the CCP ecosystem and consistency with the issues raised in previous dialogues held with the European Commission. In that same spirit, we hope in our response to provide feedback that resonates with the EC’s broader policy objectives while minimizing systemic risk and undue harm to our industry.
Joint industry statement on EMIR3.0 effective implementation dates
EFAMA, EBF, AIMA, FIA and ISDA (the ‘Associations’) welcome the co-legislators' political agreement on EMIR 3.0, which was endorsed by the Council and European Parliament on 14 February and 4 March 2024, respectively.
Trade associations call for deletion of active account proposal in EMIR 3.0
EFAMA, BFPI Ireland, EACB, FIA EPTA, Federation of the Dutch Pension Funds, Finance Denmark, Nordic Securities Association, AIMA, ICI Global, FIA and ISDA, which collectively represent major European end users of derivatives along with providers of clearing services, have published a joint statement on the European Commission’s proposed active account requirement under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR 3.0).
Active Accounts - Joint Trade Association Statement
EFAMA, BFPI Ireland, EACB, FIA EPTA, Federation of the Dutch Pension Funds,
Finance Denmark, Nordic Securities Association, AIMA, ICI Global, FIA and ISDA support positive
incentives to further enhance the attractiveness of EU clearing and EU Capital Markets, including
many of the measures proposed in EMIR 3.0. (read more)