EFAMA is pleased to publish the revised version of its PRIIPs KID Q&A. The document aims at offering continued support to Euopean fund managemers and enable a common understanding of PRIIPs KID requirements.
EFAMA monitors issues surrounding fund distribution and disclosures to investors. These include investor protection and disclosure issues arising from the evolving PRIIPs and MiFID frameworks, the shift towards digital distribution tools, and the continued integration of ESG considerations into fund products.
EFAMA is pleased to publish the revised version of its PRIIPs KID Q&A. The document aims at offering continued support to Euopean fund managemers and enable a common understanding of PRIIPs KID requirements.
EFAMA wholeheartedly supports ESMA’s objective of ensuring a consistent and harmonised application of the MiFID II product governance requirements. In our response to their consultation on the topic, we raised the following points:
EFAMA appreciates the opportunity to comment on the European Commission's Targeted consultation on open finance framework and data sharing in the financial sector.
EFAMA wholeheartedly supports ESMA’s objective of ensuring a consistent and harmonised application of the MiFID II product governance requirements. In our response to their consultation on the topic, we raised the following points:
EFAMA appreciates the opportunity to comment on the European Commission's Targeted consultation on open finance framework and data sharing in the financial sector.
EFAMA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the EC’s targeted consultation on the functioning of the ESG rating market in the EU and on the consideration of ESG factors in credit ratings. Please note that our response covers, at the same time, ESG ratings and ESG data providers, as the demand for ESG “raw” data has been increasing at a steady pace. The use of ESG data has also rapidly shifted from a narrow set of investment products to being prolific across all investment products.