EFAMA shares the urgent need to improve the consistency and comparability of sustainability reporting at a global level. Therefore, we welcome the opportunity to respond to the ISSB consultation on the Exposure Drafts on “General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability Related Financial Information” (IFRS S1) and on “Climate-Related Disclosures” (IFRS S2).
ISSB's Exposure Drafts on Sustainable Reporting Standards
PTF-ESRS consultation survey on draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards
EFAMA strongly supports the initiative carried out by EFRAG with the publication of the Exposure Drafts on the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The Exposure Drafts provide key elements framing the architecture of reporting requirements and clarifying the content and key concepts of CSRD. The resulting data will be of crucial importance for investors and for achieving the EU objective to transition towards a zero emissions economy by 2050.
EFAMA Comments Debt-Equity Bias Reduction Allowance (DEBRA)
EFAMA supports the Commission’s efforts to encourage more companies to finance their investment through equity contributions rather than debt financing.
The Commission decided to follow a policy option that will enable the deductibility of an allowance on equity financing costs complemented by a rule to limit the deductibility of interest on debt financing instruments.
EFAMA responses to the discussion questions within the IOSCO report “corporate bond markets – drivers of liquidity during covid-19 induced market stresses”
EFAMA is appreciative of the opportunity to comment on this major IOSCO study on the dynamics of bond market liquidity during market stresses. We provide some detailed responses below, but would reiterate a few high-level points here: