EFAMA firstly wishes to commend the FSB’s change of focus in the course of 2015, from a proposed assessment methodology intended to identify non-bank, non-insurance globally systemically important financial institutions (NBNI G-SIFIs) to a revised and more objective focus on asset management activities. Although we understand the former framework may be revisited by the FSB once its Recommendations are finalised, we appreciate that certain key characteristics of the asset management industry have been recognised and well reflected in the present consultative document.
Financial stability
At the international level the FSB, together with IOSCO, are responsible for implementing policies that address structural vulnerabilities arising from asset management activities. Several regulatory actions have been taken to ensure the resilience of the asset management sector since the global financial crisis. The EU’s current risk management regime has recently been put to the test by the Covid-19-led market stress, proving its overall resilience.
Future regulation should be targeted, risk-based and reflect the differing risk profiles of Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFI) entities and activities. EFAMA and its members are committed to working closely with international and European regulators on the ongoing improvement of investment funds’ existing risk management framework, and to foster the development of best practices within the investment management industry.
EFAMA reply to FSB consultation on proposed policy recommendations to address structural vulnerabilities from asset management activities
EFAMA’s reply to ESMA’s Discussion paper on draft RTS and ITS under the Securities Financing Transaction Regulation
EFAMA is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the drafting of the Regulation through a consultation and we appreciate the effort of the regulator to adopt an approach to reporting consistent with EMIR and to develop, where more efficient, a different reporting logic.
EFAMA Reply to 2nd consultation on NBNI G-SIFIs
EFAMA and its Members appreciate the opportunity to comment on the second FSB/IOSCO consultative document in the context of the current global debate around the alleged “systemic” nature of the asset management industry. EFAMA is the representative association for the European investment management industry. We represent through our 26 national association members, 63 corporate members and 25 associate members about EUR 17 trillion in assets under management, of which EUR 11.3 trillion managed by 55,600 investment funds at end‐December 2014.
Clear view of risks needed before introducing new macroprudential policies for EU capital markets
European Commission must ensure they don’t hinder much-needed EU investment
Following recent market disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the UK gilt market crisis, the European Commission is reviewing the adequacy of macroprudential policies for non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI). In July 2024, they launched a consultation to determine whether the EU should repurpose specific micro-prudential instruments or introduce new macroprudential requirements.
EFAMA responds to EC consultation on adequacy of macroprudential policies for NBFI
In its response to the Commission’s consultation on assessing the adequacy of macroprudential policies for NBFI, EFAMA stresses that Europe needs more holistic and rigorous analyses to determine where financial stability risks lie. Unfortunately, even though investment funds have proven resilient in recent years despite frequent market disruptions, the consultation focuses on the asset management industry.
EBA & ESMA discussion paper on the Commission’s call for advice on the prudential framework for investment firms
Joint EFAMA & AMIC report on liquidity stress tests in investment funds - January 2019
Solvency II: Data Impacts on Asset Management
The report highlights the need for the asset management industry to proactively work with European insurance companies to respond to the strategic changes caused by the Solvency II Directive.