More must be done to improve European citizens’ financial literacy
This is evidenced in the second edition of EFAMA's report, "The European Asset Management Industry's Engagement in Financial Education Initiatives", released in March 2022.
The report, prefaced by Commissioner Mairead McGuinness, is divided into three parts.
EFAMA appreciates the opportunity to share our views on the European Commission’s consultation on enhancements to the suitability and appropriateness assessments forming part of the wider, upcoming Retail Investment Strategy.
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has today published its International Quarterly Statistical Release regarding the developments in the worldwide investment fund industry during the fourth quarter of 2021.
The European ESG Template (EET) is meant to facilitate the necessary exchange of data between product manufacturer and distributor for the purpose of fulfilling ESG-related regulatory requirements contained in the SFDR, relevant provisions of the Taxonomy Regulation, and the relevant delegated acts complementing MiFID II and IDD. The EET V1 is based on the regulatory situation on the day of publication and will be reviewed regularly depending on the evolving regulation, and at least confirmed annually. With regard to the MiFID target market, the EET interacts with the EMT V4.
EFAMA released today issue number eight of its Market Insights series titled 'The Costs of UCITS and US Mutual Funds - We can only compare like with like'. This
We welcome the targeted approach of the Commission in its review, recognising the overall success of the frameworks over the past decade.
On behalf of:
CDP, Economy for the Common Good, EFAMA, Eurosif, Frank Bold, Finance Watch, Global Witness, Investor Alliance for Human Rights, Publish What You Pay, ShareAction, Transport and Environment, WWF
Dear Members of the European Parliament,
EFAMA firmly supports the Commission’s proposed amend of the ELTIF Regulation, in line with its recently revamped “new” CMU.
- Asset managers represent an important group of benchmarks’ users. In this context, EURIBOR rate is used by investment funds across all kinds of asset classes and financial instruments, as well as a benchmark for measuring fund performance, driving fee calculations and determining asset allocation.
- The identification of fallback rates for the contract with reference to EURIBOR are essential for asset managers and a stable and permanent approach would make the fallback clauses more robust and ensure further transparency.
EFAMA welcomes this ESMA initiative and we agree with the conclusions in the ESMA Report that there is an overall need to strengthen the laws applicable to data in connection with the MiFIDII/MiFIR Review, aside the implementation of a Consolidated Tape . We consider that the draft Guidelines will further strengthen the MiFID level 1 and level 2 measures and will foster the establishment of a cost-based approach for market data procurement. Therefore, we would be in favour of turning the proposed guidelines into binding regulation.
The AIFMD is one of the pillars of EU regulation for asset managers and investment funds, which have a crucial role to play in the development of the Capital Markets Union (CMU) and the post Covid-19 economic recovery in the EU.
We fully support the ambitions of the new CMU Action Plan. Properly executed, it has the potential to boost the fortunes of Europe’s pensioners and savers by creating opportunities for them to share in the upside of Europe’s economic recovery and to create more efficient and better integrated European capital markets, which is key to finance European innovation as well as the transition towards a more sustainable and digital economy.
The European investment management industry is helping savers achieve their financial goals and build up retirement savings. Investment management is a vital part of the European economy, providing funding for companies and infrastructure projects and contributing to economic growth and job creation across all Member States.
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