More must be done to improve European citizens’ financial literacy
This is evidenced in the second edition of EFAMA's report, "The European Asset Management Industry's Engagement in Financial Education Initiatives", released in March 2022.
The report, prefaced by Commissioner Mairead McGuinness, is divided into three parts.
EFAMA appreciates the opportunity to share our views on the European Commission’s consultation on enhancements to the suitability and appropriateness assessments forming part of the wider, upcoming Retail Investment Strategy.
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has today published its International Quarterly Statistical Release regarding the developments in the worldwide investment fund industry during the fourth quarter of 2021.
The European ESG Template (EET) is meant to facilitate the necessary exchange of data between product manufacturer and distributor for the purpose of fulfilling ESG-related regulatory requirements contained in the SFDR, relevant provisions of the Taxonomy Regulation, and the relevant delegated acts complementing MiFID II and IDD. The EET V1 is based on the regulatory situation on the day of publication and will be reviewed regularly depending on the evolving regulation, and at least confirmed annually. With regard to the MiFID target market, the EET interacts with the EMT V4.
EFAMA released today issue number eight of its Market Insights series titled 'The Costs of UCITS and US Mutual Funds - We can only compare like with like'. This
We welcome the targeted approach of the Commission in its review, recognising the overall success of the frameworks over the past decade.
On behalf of:
CDP, Economy for the Common Good, EFAMA, Eurosif, Frank Bold, Finance Watch, Global Witness, Investor Alliance for Human Rights, Publish What You Pay, ShareAction, Transport and Environment, WWF
Dear Members of the European Parliament,
As the voice of European asset management industry, EFAMA strongly welcomes the development of
the EU Taxonomy and its technical screening criteria. We see the Taxonomy as a critical tool to
unleashing the potential of sustainable finance in Europe by assisting issuers, project promoters,
companies, investors, and other financial market participants in identifying truly sustainable economic
activities. We wish to put forward recommendations that aim to improve the usability and integrity of this
The fund and asset management industry is a highly regulated industry operating under significant and specific legal, regulatory, transfer pricing and tax frameworks.
Pillar 1: Investment funds are structured as tax neutral investment pooling vehicles as a matter of
public policy.
Pillar 2: The role that investment funds play in providing investors with a diversified portfolio and global market access is essential.
In its support of the development and implementation of the Taxonomy Regulation, EFAMA believes that reporting on the level of alignment with the Taxonomy by non-financial and financial undertakings is essential to strengthening market integrity around sustainability issues.
FIA, ISDA, AFME, ICI, AIMA, EBF and EFAMA (together the Associations) welcome the
European Commission's (the Commission) timely and temporary equivalence decision from
21 September 2020 with respect to UK central counterparties (CCPs) and subsequent
recognition decisions by ESMA of CCPs and the recent temporary equivalence decision for
UK Central Securities Depositories (CSDs) under CSDR. Together, these steps have provided
much needed certainty for continued and uninterrupted access to these CCPs and CSDs by
EFAMA has some concerns with ESMA’s clarifications. In the consultation paper (CP), ESMA seems to have a very broad interpretation of the ‘multilateral systems’ definition under MiFID II and states that ‘systems where trading interests can interact but where the execution of transactions is formally undertaken outside the system still qualify as a multilateral system and should be required to seek authorisation’ (paragraph 36).
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